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Blender Free Download | Make 3D Animation And Video

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Blender free download and install-able software, it is used by professionals around the world. It was first developed in 1995 by a Dutch Animation Studio called Neo Geo, as their in-house software. But its first initial public release was in 1 January 1998 21 years ago. It is original developer ton began announced that is source code would be released in September 17th 2002 and program would be free. It is free super-realistic 3D graphics software tool set. Also Blender video editing and VFX program included later. Blender is Open source software.

How to Blender Free Download:

Blender software is open for Microsoft windows, MacOS, and Linux, available for 32 & 64 bit Operating system. It contains tons of pro features and very light to install and entirely free with customization interface and key-binds. Blender is used for 3D rendering (gpu and cpu), including 3D modeling, sculpt designing, simulations, animation, game engine and lots more system software. Here are some top features we are like to share with you;

What’s new features of Blender 3D Modeling:

Video Editing and Animation of Blender:

Blender is 3d modeling and animation software program but with the same program engine you can use it for free video editing and also for VFX.  For blender video editing is best free and powerful video editing tool. Bleder is 3D graphics tool for 3d apps, animation movies, video games and visual effects. Blender video editing tool is fully –functional non linear video editing tool and its called VSE (Video sequence Editor). This VSE tool has lots of features including Gaussian Blur, fade and wipe, color grading and more.  You can output videos in regular format, also you can export into different software like premiere pro or after effects.

How to make 3D Rendering:

Blender software has most powerful robust and unbiased rendering engine called as Cycles. This rendering engine is path tracing render engine, that’s why it’s easy to use. Cycles supports GPU (graphics processing unit) rendering. CUDA and OpenGL are the two types GPU rendering mode. NVIDIA graphics cards supports CUDA mode and Open GL supported on AMD graphics cards. Cycles also support multiple Graphics card, which increase the rendering processing time.

Other Rendering engines included in Blender:


  1. Blender Render
  2. Clay Render
  3. EEVEE


  1. POV-ray
  2. yafaRAy
  3. LuxRender and LuxcoeRender
  4. NOX-Renderer
  5. Redeaon ProRender
  6. Mitsuba Render

Other Features

Blender System Requirements (Minimum)

Get Support:

Blender is not just single software anymore, it’s now a big and supportive community.  At the moment you install Blender you are part that community. The blender Foundation is very helpful and supportive.

Note: Blender is open and it is free to use for anyone in the world, but the Creators accepts and encourages donations towards further development for the software.

Donate to Blender Foundation.

Blender Free Download Full Version From

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